The 22nd of March, 2021 at 06:07am (UTC), GK Launch Services has launched Soyuz 2.1 rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome.
The launcher has deployed a Fregat upper stage in space, and fired its engine several times over four hours to inject 38 small and medium-size international satellites into three different orbits.
On these 38 satellites, two of them are equipped with THERMOCOAX heating systems dedicated to activate the chemical propulsion.
One of the satellites is dedicated for space debris clean up. The other one is dedicated for imagery with electro-optical sensor in it for earth observation.
These heating systems are designed, developed and produced in our factory of Normandy, France. THERMOCOAX has 15 years heritage. Most of the application are:
- Catalyst Bed heater for chemical propulsion
- Magnetic coils and high temperature cabling for electrical propulsion
- Rod heater for payload temperature control (Mechanical Pump loop )
- Heating coils for actuators based on SMA technology (pyrotechnic free)
THERMOCOAX success is based on the motivation and passion of his all employees plus of course, on the unic home made mineral insulated cable.
The cable offers small dimensions, flexibility, ability to withstand 1000°C and more with exotic material.
This technology has already demonstrated 15 years on board GEOSatcom with more than 15 000 devices.
THERMOCOAX is currently travelling on March with Curiosity for dust samples treatment and will be soon again with EXOMARS program on the landing propulsion system.
THERMOCOAX is pushing its technology on chemical propulsion to make it more efficient and proposes innovative solutions for the electrical propulsion. Some last developments are under qualification and dedicated for the thermal management of high energy intensive 100 volts plateforms.